Since the first week of spring due in part from all this unusual California rain, the Calla Lillies have been in full bloom in LA among other various types of flowers. Now summer has arrived, and I cut what seems to be the last of Cal Lillies and placed them throughout my home.
It's beautiful how nature can resemble the silhouette of a woman. The vibrant green stem in different sizes stalky, slender, and some curvy with leaves that position themselves so gracefully next to her. Looking at her cone-shaped silky smooth flower petal, it is just so flawless, seamless, her edges remind me of an Hermès scarf so delicately folded.
Another thought that popped into my head was when I was about seven years old, I do not know what would have possessed me to take a bite of one of these Calla Lillys and try to eat it ??? Let me tell you it was HOT and SPICY. I vividly remember running in the house screaming, freaking my Mom out!....but I was ok after lots rinsing and an icy milkshake.
Getting back to women and flowers, As my Lillies sit elegantly poised in my flowerbeds and vases I am reminded don't mess with her, she will burn you.....